DCS & Peer Challenge

The South East region has a strong tradition of peer support and challenge

A large group of colleagues sitting together at a meeting table

Peer Challenge in the South East

Peer challenge is a proven tool for improvement for councils. We have three programmes:

Topical Peer Challenge (on request)

SE DCS Peer Challenge (annual cycle)

SE Lead Member Peer Challenge (password protected) (biannual cycle)

The topical peer challenge process is commissioned by a single council and involves a small team of officer peers spending time at the council to provide challenge and share learning. It involves engaging with a wide range of people connected with the council and the findings are delivered immediately.

The DCS and Lead Member triad/quartet peer challenge process involves participants from three or four authorities meeting once every year or every two years. These facilitated events are structured around authority and lead member self-assessments, with informed challenge and support from peer colleagues.  

Topical Challenge in the South East

The first visit of Round 1 took place in March 2011. Since then there have been 47 visits with nine completed rounds of Peer Challenge with an additional review undertaken in 2021 in response to a specific request by the host authority. 

More details can be found on the dedicated pages for: Completed Reviews

DCS Challenge in the South East

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2018-2019

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2019-2020

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2020-2021

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2021-2022

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2022-2023

SE DCS Peer Challenge 2023-2024

Governance & Reports

National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) Independent evaluation of the South East Peer Challenge Programme Rounds 1-7

ADCS Review of the 2019 SE DCS Peer Challenge 

Tools, Templates & Useful Links

Topical Peer Challenge Round 10 – Guidance

Next Meeting

Plans for DCS Peer Challenge Triads/Quartet in winter 2024-2025 are progressing.

See SE DCS Peer Challenge 2024-2025 for more detail.

Contact Details

Data Benchmarking: Luke Ede (East Sussex)


07925 148597

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007

SESLIP Consultant: Isabelle Gregory (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07931 586784