Future Leaders Programme – Take Your Place

Supporting future leaders in Children’s Social Care, Education, SEND, Early Help and other aspects of Children’s Services.

Four colleagues working in an office, two of whom are working together, looking at the same computer screen

About Take Your Place

Take your place – Supporting Future Leaders

SESLIP has developed this programme to support future leaders in Children’s Social Care, Education, SEND, Early Help and other aspects of children’s services.

What is Take your Place? The programme is made up of a range of flexible learning opportunities for leaders and managers who may be interested in moving to more senior roles. This includes experiential learning, workshops and other opportunities. Participants are free to pick and choose which elements they would like to take part in. 

Who is it for? It is open to people who want to progress to more senior roles and also those who would like to improve their leadership skills. Our market research for setting up this programmme identified considerable ambivalence about applying for senior roles in our current workforce (less than 40% of those asked had active plans to apply).

How much do the training courses cost? All are free at the point of access and have been paid for by your authority as part of their SESLIP subscription. We may ask authorities to help us prioritise applicants if course become oversubscribed.

Take Your Place Leadership Development Programme

This is a free to access CPD leadership programme for third tier managers. Last year, the course started with a residential on 31 October and 1 November 2023, followed by in person workshops on 23 November 2023, 17 January 2024 and a final face session on 7 March 2024.  The sessions were held in Reading at venue with good public transport links. Each SESLIP large authority had two places and small authorities a single place (we will also take names for reserves as last year not all authorities took up their full allocation). Your final nominations need to be endorsed by your DCS and details sent to mark@markevansconsulting.co.uk.

The details of the 2024 programme are currently being finalised and will be similar to last year. Those nominated will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire with the Staff College to confirm their place.  More information about last year’s course is available in the flyer.

How did SESLIP decide what to include in Take Your Place?

In late 2019 we commissioned a piece of research. The report helped us to develop an understanding of the demographics and development needs of future leaders of children’s services in the South East. We recognise that we may future potential future leaders have reservations about applying for senior roles. These concerns relate to combination of pull factors (e.g. wanting to stay close to the frontline) and push factors (e.g. not understanding the role of senior officers, the political interface etc). Take Your Place is designed to give participants the opportunity to explore these issues with current children’s services leaders and expert partner organisations. The report was the first stage of the development of the programme. We are continuing to improve it based on feedback from alumni. We are also interested to hear your views about what we should include in the programme in future. Please contact Mark Evans (details opposite).

Take Your Place 2023 flyer

Take Your Place 2023 flyer

Next Event

Applications are for our Autumn 2024 cohort will be opened this summer

Contact Details

CSC Workforce, PSW and AD Safeguarding Network Lead: Mark Evans (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07803 147072

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007