The message below is a key message from Dr Gavin Lockhart, Assistant Director of Programmes (CYP Mental Health, NHSE/I South East) (contact details below)
As you may already be aware, NHS England is allocating further non-recurrent funding to mental health services for the remainder of 21/22, to support discharge and urgent/acute system pressures. As a regional CYP Mental Health team we wanted to raise your awareness of the national guidance attached to this funding, as the principles explicitly outline a permissive approach and encouragement to work collaboratively with LAs and VSCE to use funding flexibly across health, housing, police, VCS, public health and social care to rapidly put in place what people need without delay with operational freedom afforded to providers. This can be found here (slides 5-7).
This message, along with key priority areas, was reiterated to South East region ICS leads in a letter from Olivia Falgayrac-Jones (Deputy Director Clinical Delivery: Mental Health, NHSE/I). along with accompanying documents (see background papers on this webpage) sent to ICS leads to support planning.
Integrated Care Services
As ICSs across the region are at various stages of maturity we wanted to wanted to flag this funding stream to you directly to enable you early opportunity to engage with ICS leads for CYP Mental Health around the plans.
If we can be of any support in this process please do not hesitate to contact me (details below).