A brief summary of the main headlines and highlights for this week are shown below. Any tools, templates or documents needed for the actions required are provided here also. If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI Programme Manager. Our Regional Improvement Plan for 2019-20 can be found here.
UPDATE NO 347 12 April 2019
Reminders from previous weeks
Tools & Templates
We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan including Annexes which will underpin activities in 2019-20.
Ofsted has published detailed figures revealing the scale of the problem with suspected illegal schools in England.
A councillor’s workbook on engaging with young people has been designed as a learning aid for councillors to assist them with the effective engagement of young people and the organisations representing them within their ward. The workbook provides some signposting and ideas around the engagement of young people rather than it being a step by step guide as such. More information at the LGA web page for this project
Falling through the gaps, a new report published by the Innovation Unit, reveals key insights about the experiences of care leavers leaving prison, and the opportunities and challenges they face following release.
The new Legal Support Action Plan, published by the Ministry of Justice, follows a post-implementation review of legal aid reforms
Skipping School Invisible Children – How children disappear from England’s Schools A report by The Children’s Commissioner
The ‘evidence store’, from the government-funded What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care, so far contains systematic reviews of 11 programmes including family drug and alcohol courts, solution focused brief therapy and kinship care. it can be found here
The National Audit Office Children’s Services Report is here
2019-20 Memorandum of Understanding – Blank available for downloading here
SESLIP Leadership Development Prospectus
2019-20 SESLIP Regional Improvement Planning – all you need to know is here
National Implementation Adviser for Care Leavers’ First Year Report – This was published in the Autumn and sets the findings of the National Adviser for Care Leavers following his first year in role. The report is structured around the 5 identified priorities for care leavers and goes on to provide examples of good practice from local authorities that he has visited. It also sets out aspirations for 2019-2020. The full report can be found here
The What Works Centre Analysis of LAC Rates 2012-17 is here
ADCS Safegaurding Pressures 6 report is here
SEND Inspection Preparation: Self Evaluation Framework Peer Review Guidance
The MoC area of the Seslip website now includes the latest versions of key documents, including the: