Supporting the South East region to deliver effective services that improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
The SE19 SEND network provides supportive a range of activity underpinned by the ethos and purpose of the overall SESLIP regional improvement plan.
Activity includes the facilitating several professional networks, a regular SEND forum and projects that provide regional members with supportive ways to share, reflect and improve practice. There is a steering group to support governance which is chaired by John Macilwraith (DCS Buckinghamshire).
The network embraces all stakeholders including parent carer networks and colleagues from health, social care and education. There are also strong links with wider organisations including NASEN and the CDC. The network also works closely with DfE colleagues through the Regions group.
In addition to networking and forum opportunities, the SE19 SEND network provides supportive peer review activity through the ‘Courageous Conversations’ programme. There is also ongoing activity around SEND workforce development.
All of the network groups are supported by specialist SESLIP consultants (more details below) and work is overseen by the SE19 SEND Programme Lead, Sheelagh Sullivan. Network administrative organisation is facilitated by SDSA, a not for profit organisation specialising in support to educational organisations. The network is responsible for delivering the intention and activity set out in the SE19 SEND Regional Improvement Plan 2022-2025
SE19 SEND Network Structure

SEND Network Meetings and Activities 2024-25
SE19 SEND Forum
The forum provides a range of speakers to inform around SEND developments and ensure opportunities for sharing best practice from a regional and national perspective. Forums are half-termly and are open to all who are involved in SEND in the South East. There is usually health attendance from parent/carers, wider organisations and regional colleagues form health, social care and education. Schools and settings are also welcome.
The forum is jointly chaired by Adeline Gibbs (SEND Advisor NHS England) and Sheelagh Sullivan (SE19 SEND Network Programme Lead)
SEND Network Steering Group
The group steers the activity of the SE19 SEND network on the basis of reports from network group chairs and/or professional leads. The group includes representatives from a wide range of stake holders including parent/carer, health, DfE, SESLIP and Local Authorities.
The group is chaired by John Macilwraith (DCS Buckinghamshire) with professional support from Sheelagh Sullivan
SE19 SEND Network Groups
1. SEND Strategic Leads
A supportive networking group for leaders in SEND from LAs across the region. The group provides mutual professional support and looks at issues central to the development of SEND practice and the management of SEND services/provision.
The group is jointly chaired by Deborah Smit (Head of SEND, Oxfordshire) and Jamie Conran (Head of SEND, Wokingham) with professional support from Sheelagh Sullivan.
2. SEND Operational Leads
A supportive networking group for leaders of Operational SEND services – those with responsibility for EHCP processes. The group provides opportunity to share ideas and solutions, as well as ensuring mutual support for staff in demanding roles.
The group is chair is Karen Spencer (Principal Service Lead, West Sussex) and the vice chair is David Griffiths (SEND Lead, Windsor and Maidenhead) with professional support from Sheelagh Sullivan.
3. SEND Post 16 Group
This group is dedicated to sharing practice and information around post 16 learners with SEND. There are opportunities to develop regional agreements and look at practice from the provider perspective. The group includes representatives from the education sector (schools and colleges), parent/carers and wider organisations, including NASEN.
The chairing of the group is shared by regular attendees with support from Ellen Atkinson (SESLIP & NDTi).
4. SEND Finance Group
This is a group for professionals looking at challenges around SEND budgets and funding. Activity includes regional benchmarking informed by regional survey activity (e.g. high needs funding survey in 2024) and sharing of practice around SEND finance, including funding/commissioning of independent and specialist provision.
The group is chaired by Nathan Caine (Head of Education: SEND and Safeguarding, East Sussex) with professional support from Nick King (SESLIP).
5. SE19 DCO Forum
The group is aligned to the SE19 SEND network and is attended by the SE19 SEND network programme lead as well as the regional NHS England SEND Advisor. Members are DCOs (or equivalent) from across the South East. The group is intended to provide professional support alongside the sharing of information and good practice.
The group is chaired by Louise Needham (SEND DCO, Surrey Heartlands NHS).
Wider SE19 SEND Network Activity/Workstreams (2024-25)
1. Courageous Conversations
All areas within the region are offered the opportunity to take part in a ‘Courageous Conversation’. The Courageous Conversation provides peer challenge and support for local areas (SEND Partnerships) to help to improve practice around SEND. It’s a strengths-based approach which encourages candid, honest conversations to support local improvement journeys. Peers from all areas, including parent/carers, are encouraged to take part in reviews and join us as peer reviewers. More information about the programme can be found at (TBC)
Professional support and leadership provided by Chris Baird (SESLIP).
2. SEND Workforce Development Programme
This is a programme intended to encourage regional cooperation in addressing workforce challenges around SEND. A survey was conducted earlier in 2024 to gauge appetite for work in this area and gather insight into the areas of challenge. A ‘Workforce Development Day’ is planned for the Autumn term. The programme has been developed principally through the SEND Operational Leads group, but wider participation is planned in the Autumn. The day will include examining the possibilities of using the apprenticeships programme to promote the recruitment and retention of SEND staff in LAs.
Professional support and leadership provided by Mark Evans (SESLIP).
3. Healthy Parent Carers Programme
This is a programme run by Exeter University that was first introduced to the region in 2023. There are now several parent/carer forums expressing interest in the programme which the network hopes to support in 2024-25.
The programme provides a mechanism for parent/carer forums to support the well-being of their membership and encourages positive working relationships with LAs.
Support contracted via Exeter University.
SEND SE19 Network – Dates for your diary (2024-25)
Please find below a list of dates for the forthcoming academic year. New dates will be added throughout the year as they are agreed.
Upcoming SE19 SEND Forum
Wednesday 2nd October 2024, 12-1:30pm
Wednesday 4th December 2024, 12-1:30pm
Wednesday 5th February 2025, 12-1:30pm
Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 12-1:30pm
Wednesday 7th May 2025, 12-1:30pm
Wednesday 2nd July 2025, 12-1:30pm
Upcoming SE19 Strategic Leads
Wednesday 27th November 2024, 12-2pm
Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 12-2pm
Wednesday 26th March 2025, 12-2pm
Wednesday 14th May 2025, 12-2pm
Wednesday 25th June 2025, 12-2pm
Upcoming SE19 Operational Leads
Thursday 30th January 2025, 1-2:30pm
Thursday 13th March 2025, 1-2:30pm
Thursday 1st May 2025, 1-2:30pm
Thursday 19th June 2025, 1-2:30pm
Agenda and Notes from recent meetings
- SEND Strategic Leads
2. Termly SE19 Newsletters
Coming soon
Upcoming meetings and workshops
SE19 SEND Operational Leads
Contact for information. MS Teams
13 March 2025
13:00 - 14:30 -
SE19 Strategic Leads
Contact for information. MS Teams
26 March 2025
12:00 - 14:00 -
SE19 SEND Forum
Contact for information. MS Teams
02 April 2025
12:00 - 13:30 -
SE19 SEND Operational Leads
Contact for information. MS Teams
01 May 2025
13:00 - 14:30