UPDATE NO 432 04 December 2020

Newsletters If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI […]

Three children playing happily together


If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above.

At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI Programme Manager (details below). 

Our Regional Improvement Plan for 2020-2021 can be found here.

UPDATE NO 432 04 December 2020


School and college staff wellbeing: report


DfE have published a literature review examining evidence on school and college staff wellbeing in England, the UK and comparable sectors. Key themes include:

  1. engagement from senior leaders
  2. implementing whole school approaches
  3. provision of support, mentoring and training
  4. fostering resilience and mindfulness
  5. promoting healthy and active lifestyles
  6. ensuring a positive work environment.

Action Required:

Following the launch of the DfE’s Teacher Recruitment and Retention strategy, an expert group was created to advise DfE on the wellbeing of staff in schools and colleges.

This literature review was commissioned to support the work of the expert advisory group to examine recent evidence on school and college staff wellbeing in England.

The main aim of this review is to establish the effectiveness of the existing support available to enable and promote staff wellbeing in schools and further education (FE) colleges in England.

This literature review was written in 2019 prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The full report is here


Applying behavioural insights to increase female students’ uptake of STEM subjects at A level


The DfE has published research into increasing the number of young women choosing STEM subjects at A-level using a parent-focused approach. 

This research reviews ways to overcome the barriers that young women are up against to increase the uptake of STEM subjects at A level.

Action Required:

This research will be of interest to:

  • academics
  • education policy professionals
  • others interested in diversity in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)

The research contributes to developing the existing evidence base on what works to improve STEM uptake, particularly for girls.

The full report is here


Children in Care NHS Partnership Project


Following today’s meeting of DCSs and Lead Members in the South East, the Children in Care NHS Partnership Project has published three new documents.

For further information, contact Andrea King (details below)

Reminders from previous weeks


Future dates for Network meetings


AD Safeguarding: Friday 11 December 2020 –  for more information from Mark Evans (contact details below)

QA Network: Wednesday 9 December. Following the recent meeting of the network, new confidential documents have been posted on the QA restricted pages – access to these pages and more information from Diane Williamson (contact details below)

Fostering Network: 10.30am Thursday 28 January. More information from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below)

Action Required:

SEND SE19: more information from Tracey Maytas (contact details below)

Data Benchmarking: Thursday 10 December 2020. More information from Alastair Lee (contact details below)

AD Education: Friday 29 January 2021 – 1.30pm – 3.30pm – more information from Chris Owen (contact details below)

Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board: Tuesday 19 January 2021. More information from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below)


PHE COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report


The COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report is published by PHE and routinely updated. It covers population mental health and wellbeing in England during the COVID-19 pandemic.

See especially Chapter 7 – Children and Young People based on weekly data drawn from the UCL COVID-19 Social Study and other sources up to week 38 of 2020 (week ending 18 September) and other academic sources 


The children who no-one knows what to do with – Children’s Commissioner Report


“The children who no-one knows what to do with” explains the failure of local and national government to take responsibility for these children, and sets out what action is needed by government – both local and national – to fix this broken system.

The report summarises the findings of three years of work by the Children’s Commissioner’s Office and provides context for two further reports the Commissioner is publishing today (‘Private provision in children’s social care’ and ‘Stability index 2020’).

Action Required:

“Ideally, no child should grow up in an institution.

“Yet there are 6,570 children currently growing up in children’s homes in England.

“These children are here for a number of reasons – normally because their needs are so complex that it is not considered possible to meet them within a family home environment.

“Occasionally older children request to be in a children’s home because they do not feel like they want a “new family”, as they see foster care.

“Often, children are put in children’s homes because of a lack of suitable alternatives.

“In 2017/18, £1.25bn was spent on providing these homes – an average cost of just under £200,000 per child per year.”


Anne Longfield: My vision for a better care system


On Tuesday, 24 November the Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield OBE, presented a speech online where she reflected on what she has learnt from children and young people in the 6 years she has been Commissioner, and how they have felt about the care and support they have received.

Drawing on new research conducted by her office and stories shared with the Commissioner, including through the CCO helpline, the keynote laid bare the flaws in the social care system and outlined the ways it must change to become more ambitious for children.

Action Required:

Anne was joined by Lemn Sissay MBE, a BAFTA nominated international prize-winning writer and a passionate advocate for reform within the care system and Sophia, a care leaver and coordinator for our IMO project. We would like to say a massive thank you as well to the five children in care; Alicia, Azizah, Luke, Sophie and Tamara who took part in a panel discussion, answered questions from the audience and shared their experiences.

Below is the full speech given by Anne Longfield. The whole event can be watched back online on YouTube, and you can find the slides here, and an overview of our consultation with care-experienced children and young people about the care review here.


Nuffield Foundation: Introducing the changing face of early childhood series


In this introduction, NF provides the context for their Changing face of early childhood in the UK series and a summary of the research projects funded by the Foundation that underpin it. 

Action Required:

The series aims to answer these six questions

  • What does research tell us about how effective key early childhood policies have been?
  • What are the implications of current changes, including the impact of COVID-19, on young children’s lives now and for the future?
  • Are young children’s lives improving? Are they better prepared for schools Are they happier and healthier?
  • What developments have been positive and should be built upon?
  • What don’t we know and where are the gaps in data and research?
  • What needs to change in order to improve the lives of young children?

Tools & Templates

We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan which will underpin activities in 2020-2021

Applying behavioural insights to increase female students’ uptake of STEM subjects at A level  published by DfE on 26 Novemebr 2020

School and college staff wellbeing: report published by DfE on 26 November 2020

Anne Longfield: My vision for a better care system You Tube speech on 24 November 2020

Introducing the changing face of early childhood series published by Nuffield Foundation 16 November 2020

Children Missing Education published by LGA on 16 November 2020

COVID-19: mental health and wellbeing surveillance report published by PHE, updated on 12 November 2020 (see Ch7: Children and Young People)

Fostering in England 2019 to 2020: main findings published by Ofsted 12 November 2020

The children who no-one knows what to do with published by the Children’s Commissioner on 11 November 2020

Changes to statutory induction for teachers during national roll-out (formerly NQT) published by the DfE 4 November 2020

Evaluation of the Family Safeguarding Model 2020 published by the DfE 4 November 2020

Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme: insights and evaluation published by the DfE 2 November 2020

National Tutoring Programme (NTP) launched on 2 November 2020

Guidance to improve speech, language and communication (SLC) in the early years  published by DfE on 30 October 2020

New national guidance for local authorities on providing youth services published by NYA on 29 October 2020

Guidance for full opening of schools updated by DfE 22 October 2020

Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings published by DfE on 21 October

Vulnerable Children and Young People Survey – Wave 10 published by DfE 14 October 2020

Consultation on Regulation of Independent Educational Institutions published by DfE 13 October 2020

Closing the Gap Between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in England published by CVER 1 October 2020

Financial sustainability of colleges in England published by NAO 16 September 2020

The long shadow of deprivation published by DfE 15 September 2020

Unregulated – Children in care living in semi-independent accommodation published by the Children’s Commissioner 10 September 2020

SEND Inspection Preparation: Self Evaluation Framework Peer Review Guidance

The MoC area of the Seslip website now includes the latest versions of key documents, including the:

Contact Details

Data and Information Manager: Luke Ede (East Sussex)


07925 148597

LGA Children’s Improvement Adviser: Helen Watson (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07810 011892

Education Network: Chris Owen (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07825 862330

SESLIP Education Data Group Lead: Daryl Perilli (Brighton and Hove)


South East Grid for Learning – Consortium Manager: Krista Pickering (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07872 014083

SESLIP Consultant: Isabelle Gregory (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07931 586784

CSC Workforce, PSW and AD Safeguarding Network Lead: Mark Evans (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07803 147072

Adoption; Fostering; Kinship and Early Help Regional Networks: Rebecca Eligon (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07944 996219

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007

S.E. Region SEND Network Programme Co-ordinator: Sheelagh Sullivan (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)
