UPDATE NO 372 04 October 2019

Newsletters A brief summary of the main headlines and highlights for this week are shown below. Any tools, templates or documents needed for the actions required are provided here also. If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At […]

Three children playing happily together


A brief summary of the main headlines and highlights for this week are shown below. Any tools, templates or documents needed for the actions required are provided here also. If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI Programme Manager. Our Regional Improvement Plan for 2019-20 can be found here.

UPDATE NO 372 04 October 2019


Welcome to Alison Michalska, new LGA Children’s Improvement Advisor – South East


Alison Michalska (contact details below) has now started work as the LGA’s Children’s Inmprovement Adviser in the South East, and was introduced to the SEADCS Branch meeting in Brighton this morning.

Action Required:

Alison is getting to know the region and welcomes invitations to visit over the coming months. Please contact her (details below) to arrange a visit. One her first tasks will be consultation with Lead members across the region about their support needs.


Multi-agency Safeguarding Reforms


Katy Block of ADCS writes

Our rep on the DfE’s national working group overseeing the reforms to LSCBs and CDOP arrangements shared a short presentation from the DfE at a policy committee meeting last week.  

Action Required:

It summarises how the new MASA arrangements have panned out nationally in terms of make up, membership, remits and scrutiny arrangements, it’s actually very helpful! Here’s the link again


Association of Colleges – Contact List


Katy Block of ADCS writes

A rep from the AoC attended the most recent meeting of the ADCS Educational Achievement Policy Committee to discuss all things further education with the group.  

Action Required:

It was an interesting session and committee members asked for regional AoC contacts to be distributed more widely, see document attached, to allow these discussions to be picked up and built on at a regional level.


National Missing Person Conference, Hull, Wednesday 29th January 2020


The staff support officer for the national policing lead on missing people has been in touch to invite ADCS reps to attend a free conference on missing people in the new year.  An emerging agenda is attached here, all police forces in the UK have been invited to attend, the audience will be Missing Person leads (Supt level), investigators and teams, CSE teams, charities and NGOs. 

Action Required:

The speakers will be: 

ACC Catherine Hankinson, National Police Lead for Missing, West Yorkshire Police 
The charity Missing People
Ann Coffey MP
UK Missing Persons Unit
Other related Police speakers on Missing Persons.

Please get in touch with Katy Block at ADCS to book a place or find out more.


Early years research request


Senior researchers from the Education Policy Institute have recently been in touch with ADCS to seek our members’ views on the most helpful areas of future focus, particularly in relation to the early years.  They have some broad ideas, see right, but are also open to suggestions.  Please can colleagues contact Katy Block for more information/ with any thoughts. 


– mapping local services: what services for young children and parents exist in different areas? how joined-up and/or integrated are these services? What is the best geographical level for planning early years services (local authority, regional, etc)?

– food poverty and hunger: local food bank usage and school breakfast and holiday hunger programmes

– local availability and usage of libraries and book clubs; availability of affordable EAL books; 

– early years and SEND.

Action Required:

Broad ideas are

  • – mapping local services: what services for young children and parents exist in different areas? how joined-up and/or integrated are these services? What is the best geographical level for planning early years services (local authority, regional, etc)?
  • – food poverty and hunger: local food bank usage and school breakfast and holiday hunger programmes
  • – local availability and usage of libraries and book clubs; availability of affordable EAL books; 
  • – early years and SEND.

Reminders from previous weeks


Education Data Group


In December 2018, the AD Education Network set up a Data Group, with a focus on the Inclusion agenda – Children Missing Education (CME), children Electively Home Educated  (EHE) and children on part-time timetables. The first meeting was held in Crawley on 4 July and it was attended by 14 colleagues from 10 LAs.

It discussed systems and processes LAs have in place to collect, monitor and analyse data on CME, EHE and children on reduced timetables; data not collected as part of any statutory returns. CME and EHE data is collected as part of the SE Social Care benchmarking quarterly collection, but there are different definitions of CME across the region.

Mike Stoneman, (Portsmouth) gave a presentation on the work of the CME Task and Finish Group at the AD Education Network on Friday 13 September, which echoed a lot of the issues the Data Group raised in terms of the data held on these groups of children. 

Action Required:

The AD Education Network will propose a list of measures around CME, EHE and part-time timetables that could be collected as part of a regular benchmarking exercise. This proposal will be discussed at the next Education Data Group in November so that the group can discuss which measures can be reported on a regular basis and agree the definitions for these measures. The outcome of this discussion will be brought to the next AD Education Network meeting on Friday 22 November.

It was agreed to send a questionnaire to the Data Group to better understand what systems are in place and what definitions are in use. There were several examples of good practice on collecting data on part-time timetables, and LAs have shared their templates and guidance documents within the Group. There was also an NCER update and a presentation on Brighton and Hove showcasing their School Information Packs. The Data Group agreed that the meetings were really helpful and agreed to hold these meetings termly, with the next meeting taking place in Crawley on Thursday 14 November.

To find out more, please contact Daryl Perilli (details below)


Data Tools Project


The aim is to identify what data tools are being used and what is the best way for these to be shared. A survey has identified 10 tools and the workshop looked at barriers to good analysis and collaboration and at solutions to these problems.


  1. IT systems and data structures: difficulty reporting and sharing analysis due to commercial restrictions in systems and different data architectures 
  2. Skills of the team: with staff turnover and limited training, the technical expertise (data teams) and comfort with data (children services teams; senior management) varies a lot between and within LAs.
  3. Quality of data: the quality of underlying data varies, which leads to recording and reporting issues.
  4. Lack of data culture and trust: teams tend to operate in silos and lack the necessary mutual trust to fully exploit the available data


  1. Pushing for common data structures and standards between LAs. This could be facilitated by DfE and/or Ofsted changing their reporting requirements.
  2. Developing a standardised data training offer to attain common technical skills qualifications.
  3. Providing a common legal basis and guidance around information governance, data protection and data ethics.
  4. Developing a stronger data culture by engaging more senior leaders and team managers with the potential of insights from data.

Participants also came up with ideas of tools they would like to use to facilitate their analysis work and provide new insights.

Action Required:

We revisited this in the Data Network meeting in September and discussed how sharing a tool might impact on the LA and person who has shared it. This resulted in a proposal to develop a Knowledge Hub group with three repositories:

  1. Tools for use “as is”, please don’t contact the originating LA
  2. Tools under development, please contact the originating LA to help with development
  3. Tools that are fully functional, please contact the originating LA to help with development

This is currently being set up and will be promoted to the Data Network.

Alongside this work, because there is significant overlap with how the ChAT was developed, we are running a workshop on the 3 October with the developers of the ChAT (including representation from Ofsted), Social Finance, Alastair Lee and Daryl Perilli. The aim of this is to learn from both projects and look at the longer term sustainability of a curated data tools library.

For more information please contact Alastair Lee (details below)


Developing Models of Social Work Project


Following initial scoping, the Developing Models of Social Work Project page is live and contains deatuls of this new SESLIP project 

The objective of this piece of work is to share and develop new models of social care practice that fit the times. Authorities are questioning their models of social care practice. Some are seeking to integrate early help and social care and would value some collective thinking about how these services are delivered in this new context. Some large LAs have been spending significant amounts to deliver major systems changes. We will investigate the options for shared learning and other collaborative approaches to support new models of practice.

Action Required:

Please can Local Authorities ensure the Principal Social Worker contact list is updated by 7 October 2019

A questionnaire will be sent to Local Authorities in order to collect and collate information about models of practice that are being used across the region.

This project is sponsored by Nikki Edwards, DCS Bracknell Forest.

For more information contact Diane Williamson (details below)


Improving the Quality of Audit of Social Work Practice – 5 November


Following initial scoping of the Quality Assurance project, the next step is for us to meet with the QA leads on 5 November to explore current Quality Assurance practice. This meeting will explore what LAs do, why they do it, what impact does it have and how do they know ; what are the barriers and challenges and what are the levers and drivers to make it work. The meeting will focus on QA of social work practice and we will try to identify some themes, best practice, and opportunities for shared learning. 

Action Required:

We will then discuss these findings with the AD Safeguarding network to inform the planning for a regional workshop to be held in the spring. The 5 November meeting will be facilitated by Stuart Ashley from Hampshire on behalf of Steve Crocker who is the project DCS sponsor.

Could you please check that the contact list is accurate and if there is anyone else you would like to be invited to the 5 November meeting please send details to Diane Williamson (contact details below) so that invitations and agenda can be sent out.

The project now has its own webpage where the outputs of the scoping exercise and project brief can be found.


November – January 2019-20 Peer Challenge


The cycle of preparation for the November – January 2019-20 Peer Challanges is underway. We have brought forward the start date by a few months to avoid a clash with the Ofsted cycle of annual conversations which are due to start in 2020.

Please go to the Peer Challenge in the South East page if you want further information. 

Action Required:







25th November


East Sussex



9th January 2020

West Sussex



Quartet 3

11th November


Hampshire and

Isle of Wight

Milton Keynes


to be arranged

Windsor and





15th November

West Berkshire


Brighton and Hove


13th November

Bracknell Forest




Tools & Templates

We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan which will underpin activities in 2019-20.

Children’s Commissioner Report on Homeless Children

The Good Childhood Report 2019 (The Children Society)

What Works Centre Updates – Trauma-informed models in out-of-home care

Nuffield Foundation Review of Special Guardianship published 2 August 2019

Interim results from Devolved Budgets pilots (What Works Centre) published 15 August 2019

A report by the Department for Education, Evaluation of regional adoption agencies

NCH Campaign for National Childhood Strategy

Children’s Commissioner Report on Childhood Vulnerability

Missing People has published research into the value of the return home interview (RHI).

What Works for Children’s Social Care: Intensive Family Preservation Services (IFPS) Review

Changes to compensation arrangements for survivors of violent crime

The DfE Review of Children in Need is here.

National Assessment and Accreditation System (NAAS): toolkit and examples of practice simulationsList of early adopter sites includes Hampshire and West Berks in the South East.

The Tackling Child Exploitation (TCE) Support Programme led by Research in Practice with The Children’s Society and University of Bedfordshire is appointed by the DfE to deliver a programme to tackle child exploitation. Over the next three years, every local authority area will be able to apply for ‘Bespoke Support’.  More information here and here

Children and young people’s advocacy in England – a report by the Children’s Commissioner

LGA‘s Early Help Resource Pack, with contributions from Early Intervention Foundation is for councillors to better understand their own local offer. 

The recent AD Safeguarding Network meeting highlighted the following links: 

New service models (e.g. Family Safeguarding, No wrong front door etc) Family Safeguarding HertfordshireNo Wrong Door EvaluationSocial Care Commentary on Using Models of PracticeOfsted Checklist for Implementing Models

Reunification: Reunification Guidance NSPCCReunification Implementation NSPCCReunification Leeds CC

Unexplained pupil exits from schools: A growing problem? The Education Policy Institute (EPI) has published the most comprehensive analysis to date  using over a decade’s worth of Department for Education data. DfE’s Elective Home Education guidance for local authorities was updated on 2 April. Ofsted has published detailed figures revealing the scale of the problem with suspected illegal schools in England.

SESLIP Leadership Development Prospectus

The MoC area of the Seslip website now includes the latest versions of key documents, including the:

Contact Details

Data Benchmarking: Luke Ede (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07925 148597

LGA Children’s Improvement Adviser: Helen Watson (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07810 011892

Education Network: Chris Owen (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07825 862330

SESLIP Education Data Group Lead: Daryl Perilli (Brighton and Hove)


South East Grid for Learning – Consortium Manager: Krista Pickering (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07872 014083

SESLIP Consultant: Isabelle Gregory (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07931 586784

CSC Workforce, PSW and AD Safeguarding Network Lead: Mark Evans (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07803 147072

Adoption; Fostering; Kinship and Early Help Regional Networks: Rebecca Eligon (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07944 996219

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007

S.E. Region SEND Network Programme Co-ordinator: Sheelagh Sullivan (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)
