UPDATE NO 247 21 April 2017

Newsletters A brief summary of the main headlines and highlights for this week are shown below. Any tools, templates or documents needed for the actions required are provided here also. If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At […]

Three children playing happily together


A brief summary of the main headlines and highlights for this week are shown below. Any tools, templates or documents needed for the actions required are provided here also. If you would like to know more about these workstreams or the others in the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above. At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI Programme Manager.

UPDATE NO 247 21 April 2017


Early Help Indicators Review


Since Quarter 1 2016/17 we have been collecting some experimental Early Help measures for the SESLIP benchmarking and in Q3 10 LAs managed to provide some data. At the South East Regional Data Network on 15 March 2017 we decided to review what these indicators mean by running a similar exercise to the one we did in 2015 for the definitions of Referral and Assessment.

At the meeting it was clear that different LAs have different specifications for their Early Help services, e.g. everything that is not social care; or the level immediately below statutory social care (so that if social care is 4, early help is 3, levels 2 and below are something else, but not early help); or only early help service directly funded by the LA. 

Action Required:

It would therefore be useful to get a picture of this to set the scene and give context to some of the data issues that follow. This complements the work led by Natalie Trentham in 2015.

Data colleagues have been asked to complete a questionnaire and return the completed forms to Alastair Lee by 28 April 2017.

If you wish to diswcuss this further, please contact Alastair Lee (details below)


Neglect-themed JTAI guidance


Peter Jones of the Social Care Policy team at Ofsted writes:

Dear colleague,

Ofsted, CQC, HMIC and HMI Probation have published guidance for joint targeted area inspections (JTAI) focusing on the theme of children living with neglect. Please see our press notice for further information.

Action Required:

Peter Jones can be contacted at Peter.Jones1@ofsted.gov.uk

The direct link to the neglect theme inspection guidance is here; the updated core inspection framework which applies to all JTAIs is here.


Data Benchmarking Group


The deadline for submission of the 2016-17 Q4 Social Care Benchmarking return is Monday 15 May, with the report expected to be published by the 31 May. Returns should be sent to the following email address: CS.DataManagement@eastsussex.gov.uk

Action Required:

ALB Quarterly return Q4

Please also remember to send a copy of your LA’s ALB Q4 child level return to: Joseph.Hutchings@eastsussex.gcsx.gov.uk at the same time as submitting to the DfE.

Reminders from previous weeks


Leadership Development


We continue to offer our successful portfolio of Leadership Development Courses all of which have been positively evaluated by delegates.

We are offering LAs the opportunity to train their own trainers for all our courses. Our aim is to increase the capacity and capability across the region  to ensure future sustainability within LAs. Courses can also be delivered with adult services and/or for schools. Please contact Di Smith, details below, if this is of interest to you. 

Action Required:

All courses are run in-house in the LA who provides the venue. Each course is accompanied by a range of training resources for the delegates including a comprehensive handbook. The current courses on offer are as follows and details of each course and the costs for each can be found by downloading the April 2016 Leadership Development Prospectus

Coaching to Improve Performance

Embedding a Coaching Culture

Leading Change in Times of Austerity

Step Up to Leadership   

We can also arrange one-to-one coaching, especially to support newly appointed 2nd and 3rd tier managers

If you require further details or wish to book a course please get in touch with Di Smith (contact details below)

Contact Details

S.E. Region SEND Network Programme Co-ordinator: Sheelagh Sullivan (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


South East Grid for Learning – Consortium Manager: Krista Pickering (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07872 014083

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007

CSC Workforce, PSW and AD Safeguarding Network Lead: Mark Evans (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07803 147072